
VIHAYAS Academy involves a range of meaningful programs aimed to educate in the fields of visual arts, performing arts, philosophy, and critical theory. It is also a skill-sharing platform that allows artists, researchers, critics, and professionals to disseminate their expertise to society. This platform will also include documentaries and interviews on a range of professions and topics. 

VIHAYAS Academy operates with the vision of meeting the current demand and needs in Sri Lanka for critical, meaningful debate and education.  At a time when society is knee-deep in misinformation and ignorance, VIHAYAS aims to break myths and taboos and offer exemplary guidance by providing clarifications and educating on many fields. This is mainly done via social media and the web. This is a genuine attempt to also ameliorate the damage done to our current society owing detrimental use of media.

To achieve this, VIHAYAS is also privileged to have onboard with us professionals in those fields as our very own editors and facilitators. 

Currently, we have a collaboration with ‘SpaceEka’ Artist Residency in Sri Lanka. To delve deeper into our knowledge-sharing and learning initiatives, kindly visit the official website of  ‘SpaceEka’.


SpaceEka - Official Website